For that, I followed the manufacturers recommendations and thinned it 50/50 with mineral spirits. Then I rigged up a hanger system using coat hanger bits I cut and bent, and applied a liberal coat by brush. After it sat for 15 minutes, I wiped it down and rubbed the tung oil in good with a clean soft cotton rag. Subsequent coats have followed the same procdure, except they've been full strength and not diluted.
Here is the fourth wet coat applied thursday evening after work. Shortly after this, I wiped it down and hung it up inside to cure over the weekend. I will apply additional coats all next week.....I've not yet decided how many. Perhaps 8-10 in total. The first coat so dramitically changed the appearance of the wood, I was a bit surprised. It is gorgeous. Additional coats have just added to the richness of the woods color and really popped the grain. This is a terrible photo, because it was getting late and the flash kicked in. It's actually more subtle in person, darker and not as red. I think ultimately, it will have a beautiful satin finish when I'm done.

WooHoo! Udate to add...just got this e-mail from TV Jones!:
"Your order was shipped to you on 08/03/2007 via U.S. Postal Service Priority Mail"
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