I placed the order for the Gretsch logo template from best-decals.com last friday. I expect I'll see them in a couple days.
Meanwhile, this great pic of a 1962 Corvette headstock showed up on ebay today, and I can see some differences between the vintage waterslide decal and my artwork. Oh well...not gonna let it deter me, the one I drew up will still look OK.

I finally got my hands on some raw linseed oil to condition the fret board. I really like how this stuff looks and feels, and it gets Dan Erlewine's highest recommendation for rosewood (and I assume ebony).

Last weekend I went to Rockler and purchased a bottle of their pure tung oil to have on hand when it comes time to start finishing the body/neck. While there I also got some real hide glue to have on hand and a few "pen blanks" of rosewood and ebony. At the time I was entertaining the idea of carving my own floating bridge and base instead of using my Tunomatic. Those thoughts have passed.

I also got the shape of the pickguard finalized and sent the drawing file off to terrapinguitars.com with payment for the new guard. Should be here in a couple three weeks. Clear plastic with a quarter round polished edge and painted silver on the backside.

I also got the exact bridge location worked out so I know where the holes have to be drilled for the bridge post bushings. I have drilled small pilot holes to aid when I finally find a drill press I can use, the buddy I was hoping to hit up for this has stuff going on and it doesn't look like I can fit into his schedule when I have the time free:

Here is a photo of the tuners and bridge that arrived from Stew Mac. It's nice they are close by in Ohio...I place an order for parts on a thursday and monday when I get home from work, there they are waiting for me.

Luckily, I walked down to the end of the row of racing shops on the other side of the parking lot from where I work (I work on Gasoline Alley in Indianapolis), and the guy said I could come over after I get off and use his drill press and the 3/16" and 7/16th inch bits I will need. Excellent! I had the forethought to bring the guitar with me today as well as a machinist rule, a roll of tape, my camera and the bridge studs. Sadly, I forgot to bring my good padded clamp, so I hope he has something I can utilize, or I can get by without clamping. Hooray!
I've been trying to make that decision on the pickup....

I know it needs to be an English Mount:

I'm leaning towards the Powertron Plus bridge pup....I think the extra mids will work with the Corvettes solid body to keep things from getting too brite. I really need to call and talk to them about it, but TV is away at NAMM for the weekend, so I'll probably wait to place the order till I can speak with him.
I'm not sure if I need ears, or not...or if I need the short pole piece screws or not...these are things I should discuss with them before I place the order. Plus, I need to decided if I want to do coil splitting....which would also require a different volme (or tone) pot than the one I've already bought. Plenty of time to get this all worked out...but when the trigger finally gets pulled, I'll be adding strap buttons, stickers, a t-shirt and a coffee mug to the order....gotta swag up!:)
Lastly, here are a couple pics I thought interesting. The first is what appears to be a stock 1962 Corvette bar bridge. This set-up looks like it would work on my `61 Corvette (meaning the action wouldn't be too high). Also, in talking about this project on the net, someone posted a pic of their modified 1961 Corvette. I thought it looks pretty damn cool, so I wanted to post it here.

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